patient filling out form with nurse

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Health Clinic located?

We have two locations. The Health Clinic in Pullman is located on the second floor of the SEL Family Center at 2560 NE Hopkins Court. Please use the parking lot on the east side of the building. The clinic in Lewiston is located at 2857 Juniper Drive.

Who can use the Health Clinic?

The SEL Health Clinic is available to all active employees and their immediate family members who are covered by the SEL medical plan. Services provided at the Health Clinic are free (no copayment).

Do I need to make an appointment?

Yes! Appointments can be requested through the patient portal or by calling us at 509.338.3800. In some cases, same-day appointments are available for acute illnesses. To respect the time of our scheduled employee owners, we are unable to accommodate walk-ins.

Who has access to my health information?

SEL is committed to your privacy and pledges that all interactions, services, and medical records at the Health Clinic will be maintained in strict confidence. Your records will be maintained in compliance with state and federal laws pertaining to patient confidentiality (i.e., HIPAA). Confidential patient information cannot be shared by the healthcare provider with coworkers, supervisors, or others, except where authorized by the patient or if there is an immediate threat of danger to the patient or others. The only information that will be shared is information that you authorize through a written release, such as information needed for FMLA certifications, workers’ compensation claims, or referrals to specialists. Please contact the Health Clinic if you have any questions or concerns.

SEL Health Center Notice of Privacy Practices

What is a family nurse practitioner?

A family nurse practitioner is an advanced practice registered nurse who has completed graduate-level education. Nurse practitioners treat both physical and mental conditions through comprehensive history taking, physical exams, and ordering and interpreting diagnostic tests. Nurse practitioners can serve as a patient’s primary healthcare provider and see patients of all ages, depending on the provider’s specialty. The core philosophy of the field is individualized care that focuses on patients’ conditions as well as the effects of illness on the lives of the patients and their families.

How do I make a physical therapy appointment?

To make an appointment in Pullman or Lewiston, call our clinic at the location where you wish to be seen.

How do I make a counseling appointment?

Please make an appointment with your primary care provider at the clinic to obtain a counseling referral.

What is occupational health?

The goal of occupational health is to support a safe workplace by delivering health and safety programs and services to our employees. We focus on effective workplace programs that sustain and improve our employees’ health. We emphasize promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health through the services of medical screenings and facilitating a drug-free workplace program.

How do I access Machine Readable Files for In-Network, Out-of-Network, and Prescription price rates for SEL’s insurance policy?

Information regarding price rates for SEL insurance is located on Premera’s website at the following address:

Primary Care FAQ

What is a Primary Care Provider?

A primary care provider is a healthcare provider that you consider the person in charge of coordinating your healthcare, from screening to intervention. You see this provider regularly, even if you aren't sick, as a way to assess your health risks.

Why should I see my Primary Care Provider when I'm not sick?

There is much more to staying healthy than simply treating disease. Lifestyle habits you develop can impact your health in the future, and some diseases must be screened for because they can be present without any outward symptoms. A primary care provider can help you identify tests you need while avoiding those you don't.

Can any provider be my Primary Care Provider?

Primary care providers are usually family medicine or internal medicine providers. We generally term these practitioners as working in “primary care.” They are specially equipped to coordinate your care among specialists and to provide care and screening for common diseases.

What type of visit should I ask for when I am not sick?

Primary Care visits go by many names. Some providers call them “check-ups” or “screening visits.” Other providers prefer “healthcare maintenance” or “primary care visit.” These all basically mean the same thing—sitting down to talk with your provider about testing and counseling designed to keep you healthy and identify disease prior to the onset of symptoms.

What topics should be covered at a Health Care Maintenance visit?

This will vary based on the your age, gender, and risk factors. The major benefit of having a primary care provider is that they can assess these factors and offer tailored counseling for the individual. A list of screening topics is available on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force website.

Will my insurance pay for these tests?

The SEL Health Clinic does not charge for services rendered in our facility. The lab testing companies and other outside testing sites may charge a copay or co-insurance. If you are unsure, you can ask Premera; their customer service number for the SEL plan is 855.994.2433.

Why wouldn’t more testing always be better?

Every screening test has both benefits and harms. Tests have varying levels of accuracy, and a test result that is incorrect can have detrimental effects. Also, tests that don't change the treatment plan or outcome are not beneficial tests. Lastly, overtesting can result in interventions that don't improve health but might result in other disease. This is a complicated topic, but discussing the harms and benefits of individual screening tests is a major function of a healthcare maintenance visit.

Will I get immunizations at a Health Care Maintenance visit?

Quite possibly. If you are not up to date on certain immunizations, then these will usually be discussed and updated at these visits. If you are concerned about a specific immunization, please ask your primary care provider about it.

I used to get a thorough physical and routine labs every year. Where did that go?

Modern medicine's understanding of the data behind preventive care is changing rapidly. It can be hard for providers to keep up, and doubly hard for patients, but there is mounting scientific evidence that physical exam maneuvers are poor screening tests at best and do not add benefit to most screening. Additionally, many lab tests that were routinely done yearly in the past are now done much less frequently and in some cases not performed at all in low-risk patients. In order to improve healthcare, we must follow where the data leads, and the data leads away from routine testing.

Should I quit smoking?

Yes. The data is overwhelming that tobacco use is the root cause of the largest portion of disease in the United States, and smoking leads to about 450,000 early deaths worldwide every year.

Can I keep my current Primary Care Provider?

Absolutely. If you have an established relationship with a primary provider, that is great. If you don't, the SEL Health Clinic would be happy to serve as your primary care provider, or we would be happy to recommend one to you should you prefer.

I have a question you didn't answer.

Please feel free to call the SEL Health Clinic at 509.338.3800 if you have a question that isn't addressed, and we would be happy to answer it.

Pharmacy FAQ

Where is the SEL Health Clinic Pharmacy located?

Our pharmacy is conveniently located within the SEL Health Clinic in Pullman, providing you with easy access to all your healthcare needs in one place.

What are the SEL Health Clinic Pharmacy Hours?

The hours of operation are:

Monday–Thursday, 8:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

How can I contact the SEL Health Clinic Pharmacy?

You can visit our pharmacy in person or call us at 509.338.3801.

How do I refill my prescription?

You can request a prescription refill in several ways. The most convenient option is through the RX365 pharmacy app.

Download the RX365 app

You can also visit our pharmacy in person or contact us via phone. Our team will ensure that your medication is refilled promptly and efficiently.

How early should I request refills of my medications?

Please provide 5–7 days advance notice when your medication is needed for refill. This will give pharmacy staff adequate time to process the refill.

How do I sign up for the RX365 Pharmacy app?

Download RX365 app, search for “SEL Health Clinic Pharmacy,” and complete registration with an RX# from the pharmacy software.

Download the RX365 app

What if my medication is not on the SEL Health CLinic formulary?

While we provide no-cost refills for medications on our formulary, we also offer cost savings options for medications not available on our formulary. Our pharmacist is available to discuss alternative medications and solutions to help you manage your medication expenses effectively.

Download the cost savings flyer

Does SEL Pharmacy accept prescriptions from outside providers?

No, we do not fill prescriptions from outside providers who do not work at the SEL Health Clinic. Our pharmacy services are exclusively for patients who are receiving care from our SEL Health Clinic providers. This is to ensure integrated and coordinated care.


Pullman Clinic

To contact the Health Clinic in Pullman, please call our front desk at 509.338.3800.

2560 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163

Hours of Operation

Monday–Thursday, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday, 7:00–11:00 a.m., 12:30–5:00 p.m.

Lewiston Clinic

To contact the Health Clinic in Lewiston, please call our front desk at 208.848.8499.
Directions to the Lewiston Clinic

2857 Juniper Drive
Lewiston, ID 83501

Hours of Operation

Monday–Thursday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00–11:00 a.m., 12:30–5:00 p.m.


To contact the Pharmacy, please call 509.338.3801 or 800.424.0762.

2560 NE Hopkins Court
Pullman, WA 99163

Hours of Operation

Monday–Thursday, 8:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.


To access your patient information, log in to the Patient Portal.